First 5 Minutes®: Cultural Humility
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5 Courses
Access expires on Aug 13, 2027
Credit Offered
1.25 CME / CE Credits
1.25 CME / CE & MOC Points
1.25 RN Credits
1.25 PA Credits
1.25 AANPCB Credits
First 5 Minutes® - Cultural Humility Microlearning Series
This microlearning series is geared toward antiracism and cultural humility. This curriculum expansion will address need for content addressing implicit bias, cultural awareness, and humility. Approaching patient interactions with cultural humility can have a positive impact on building trust and improving communication. After this course, learners will be able to understand and implement cultural humility skills to strengthen patient relationships.
  • Identify the role interpersonal racism plays in patient-provider interactions.
  • Define various forms of interpersonal racism.
  • Distinguish key roles in a racial microaggression, including the person causing harm, the person who is harmed, bystanders, and upstanders.
  • Identify and understand microintervention strategies and skills.
  • Apply microintervention skills in the real world.
  • Analyze and implement cultural humility skills to strengthen patient relationships.
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