Bonus Content - CHEST Curriculum Pathway for Lung Cancer: Treatment Highlights
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1 CME / CE Credit
1 MOC Point
1 RN Credit
1 PA Credit
1 AANPCB Credit

Get a sample of the comprehensive CHEST Curriculum Pathway for Lung Cancer with the CHEST Curriculum Pathway for Lung Cancer: Treatment Highlights, which focuses specifically on lung cancer therapies and management. Topic areas include biomarker testing, adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapies, and management of ground-glass nodules.

When you’ve completed the sample modules, dive into the full pathway. The CHEST Curriculum Pathway for Lung Cancer is a collection of the best of CHEST lung cancer education resources. Improve your expertise in lung cancer diagnosis and management, and claim credit—all in one place via web and mobile device.

Access bite-sized educational resources like CHEST SEEK™ questions, videos from lung cancer experts, and research from the journal CHEST®. Most resources take fewer than 20 minutes to review, so you can fit lung cancer education into your busy schedule.

Start the sample modules by signing in with your CHEST credentials.

After engaging in these educational activities, learners should be better able to:

  • Evaluate patients with newly diagnosed lung nodules and lung cancer.
  • Discuss non-small cell lung cancer staging recommendations and best practices for diagnosis based on imaging, biomarkers, and other diagnostic evaluations.
  • Apply lung cancer staging, and understand the various treatment considerations for newly diagnosed lung cancer.

The CHEST Curriculum Pathway for Lung Cancer: Treatment Highlights is supported by an educational grant from Actelion Pharmaceuticals US, Inc, a Janssen Pharmaceutical Company of Johnson & Johnson.

The content in CHEST Curriculum Pathway for Lung Cancer: Treatment Highlights was created, validated, or revised by the following work group faculty and reviewers. 

Lung Cancer Work Group Faculty 

Co-Chair: Hans J. Lee, MD, FCCP

Co-Chair: Septimiu D. Murgu, MD, FCCP

Lung Cancer Work Group Reviewers

Elliot Ho, DO

Chris Kapp, MD

Niral M. Patel, MD

Nakul Ravikumar, MD

Abhishek Sarkar, MD

Committee Planner

Amy E. Morris, MD, FCCP

© | American College of Chest Physicians®

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